Check-in here

Sign up for 1 year at a time or "for life". Prices are VAT/Tax inclusive. Make sure you have a credit card + your company/employers TAX ID/VAT No at hand.


  • Do you offer any guarantees?

    Yes, we do. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the content we offer a full "money-back" guarantee. Email us and explain your reasons and we promise to be swift about it.

  • Can I sign up as a private customer?

    Well, at least initially, we require a company-related Tax ID or VAT number for a sign-up. This is due to the complexity of Tax/VAT regulations around the world relating to digital services provided online. But we aim to be ready to accept non-employees in the near future. So mail us at [email protected] and we will keep you informed.

  • Can I contribute to the your content or post any questions etc?

    Absolutely. You can mail us any time if you miss a topic or have a best practice to share. In both cases, we will work on expanding and including these inputs in our material.

  • Do you offer any group discounts?

    Of course we do. Send us an email and we will be happy to provide an offer depending on the number of participants.

  • Can you provide a customer branded solution?

    If you represent a larger company and prefer to have a custom-branded version online - let us know and we will be happy to give you a quote.